FC-USB Bootables Tools (Plugins Added & Fixed)
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FC-USB Bootables Tools (Plugins Added & Fixed)
FC-USB Bootables Tools (Plugins Added & Fixed) | 40MB
- PeToUSB is a Win32 GUI application for formatting and making bootable, USB Flash Memory Drives and USB HardDisks and optionally copying the output from a successful BartPE/WinPE build to the device. There are options to backup/restore the MBR on a device.
- WinToFlash starts a wizard that will help pull over the contents of a windows installation CD or DVD and prep the USB drive to become a bootable replacement for the optical drive. It can also do this with your LiveCD.
You don't have to worry about scratches on the disc or misplacing your original media discs once you transfer their contents to the flash drive. The optical drive is quickly becoming a thing of the past, especially in office environments, as media is shifted to the cloud.
- FlashBoot is a tool to convert Windows XP/Vista/7 installation CD/DVD to bootable USB disk, useful for Windows installation on netbooks and other devices without CD/DVD drive. FlashBoot supports USB flash thumbdrives and USB hard disks.
Also, using FlashBoot you can create blank bootable USB flash with minimal set of system files and then manually tune it for your needs, or convert a full-featured bootable CD-ROM or floppy disk to bootable USB Flash keeping all functionality. Different operating systems are supported: Windows 7/Vista, Windows XP, SysLinux-based disks, GRUB4DOS disks, Linux kernel etc.
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- Numri i postimeve : 2977
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Popullariteti : 4
Data e regjistrimit : 09/08/2010
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