Komplikacionet Kirurgjikale dhe Traumat
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Komplikacionet Kirurgjikale dhe Traumat
Complications in Surgery and Trauma
Publisher:Informa Healthcare | Pages: 688 | 2006-09-26 | ISBN: 0824758986 | PDF | 9.6 MB
The only in-depth source to focus specifically on surgical complications, this reference provides practical information on the incidence, management, and avoidance of complications encountered during and after surgical procedures. Spanning the vast array of complications related to a wide variety of preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative events such as organ transplant, amputations, nerve and fracture repair, wound repair, and skin grafting, this guide offers detailed guidance and techniques to recognize and control complications in the operating room, emergency ward, and intensive care unit.
Publisher:Informa Healthcare | Pages: 688 | 2006-09-26 | ISBN: 0824758986 | PDF | 9.6 MB
The only in-depth source to focus specifically on surgical complications, this reference provides practical information on the incidence, management, and avoidance of complications encountered during and after surgical procedures. Spanning the vast array of complications related to a wide variety of preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative events such as organ transplant, amputations, nerve and fracture repair, wound repair, and skin grafting, this guide offers detailed guidance and techniques to recognize and control complications in the operating room, emergency ward, and intensive care unit.
No.i.d- Legjend
- Numri i postimeve : 2728
PIKE : 4556
Popullariteti : 82
Data e regjistrimit : 26/06/2010
Mosha : 31
Faqja 1 e 1
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