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Rusia e sheh si rrezik real Aphopis

Shko poshtë

Rusia e sheh si rrezik real Aphopis Empty Rusia e sheh si rrezik real Aphopis

Mesazh nga Linddt Tue Jun 29, 2010 8:32 am

Nuk e di sa i sigurt eshte si lajme por: Rusia duket sikur ka kerkuar nje mbledhje planetare per te derguar nje mision kunder Aphopis. Nese eshte e vertete kjo tregon qe Ruset e shohin si rrezik te vertete asteroidin qe ne 2032 ka nje probabilitet te vogel te ndeshet me token. Duke qense se Aphopis nuk eshte nje gjigand mendojne ta bombardoje per te ulur impaktin e nje perplasjes me te. Ve ne dukje qe aphopis nuk eshte imagjinar si planeti X nibiru, aphopis ekziston vertete Smiley

Me poshte keni lajmin Italisht dhe Anglisht.


MILANO - Proprio come in «Armageddon», il celebre film interpretato da Bruce Willis: la terra è minacciata da un gigantesco asteroide, che va distrutto prima del fatale impatto. A sostenerlo, secondo quanto riferisce Fox News, è il capo dell'Agenzia spaziale russa Anatoly Perminov, secondo cui la collisione tra l'asteroide e il pianeta potrebbe avvenire la domenica di Pasqua del 2036.

LA MINACCIA - La minaccia spaziale ha un nome, Apophis, dal dio dell'antico Egito Apofì, soprannominato «il distruttore». E la sua esistenza è già nota agli studiosi: nel 2004 gli astronomi avevano stimato la probabilità dell'impatto con la Terra pari a 1 a 37 poi ridotta a 1 su 45 mila. E in ottobre la Nasa l'ha persino ridotta a uno su 250 mila. Per Anatoly Perminov, però, nessuna ipotesi va scartata: neanche quella secondo cui nel 2029 l'asteroide potrebbe essere così vicino alla Terra da raggiungere una magnitudine pari a 3,3, tanto da poter essere individuato a occhio nudo. Prima di schiantarsi 7 anni dopo.

VERTICE INTERNAZIONALE - Per questo, i russi «presto organizzeranno un vertice internazionale tra le maggiori agenzie spaziali mondiale per valutare se inviare una navetta spaziale e distruggere Apophis», si legge sul sito della Fox. Proprio come nel celebre kolossal di 11 anni fa. «La vita della gente è in gioco. Noi dovremmo investire centinaia di milioni di dollari e costruire un sistema teso a prevenire l'impatto, piuttosto che sederci e attendere che ciò accadrà, uccidendo centinaia di migliaia di persone», in Europa, Africa e Asia occidentale, ha spiegato Perminov. Il mondo è avvisato.

Numri i postimeve : 6458
PIKE : 10002
Popullariteti Popullariteti : 141
Data e regjistrimit : 11/06/2010

Mbrapsht në krye Shko poshtë

Rusia e sheh si rrezik real Aphopis Empty Re: Rusia e sheh si rrezik real Aphopis

Mesazh nga Linddt Tue Jun 29, 2010 8:33 am


MOSCOW (AP) -- Russia's space agency chief said Wednesday a spacecraft may be dispatched to knock a large asteroid off course and reduce the chances of earth impact, even though U.S. scientists say such a scenario is unlikely.

Anatoly Perminov told Golos Rossii radio the space agency would hold a meeting soon to assess a mission to Apophis. He said his agency might eventually invite NASA, the European Space Agency, the Chinese space agency and others to join the project.

When the 270-meter (885-foot) asteroid was first discovered in 2004, astronomers estimated its chances of smashing into Earth in its first flyby, in 2029, at 1-in-37.

Further studies have ruled out the possibility of an impact in 2029, when the asteroid is expected to come no closer than 18,300 miles (29,450 kilometers) from Earth's surface, but they indicated a small possibility of a hit on subsequent encounters.

NASA had put the chances that Apophis could hit Earth in 2036 as 1-in-45,000. In October, after researchers recalculated the asteroid's path, the agency changed its estimate to 1-in-250,000.

NASA said another close encounter in 2068 will involve a 1-in-330,000 chance of impact.

Don Yeomans, who heads NASA's Near-Earth Object Program, said better calculations of Apophis' path in several years "will almost certainly remove any possibility of an Earth collision" in 2036.

"While Apophis is almost certainly not a problem, I am encouraged that the Russian science community is willing to study the various deflection options that would be available in the event of a future Earth threatening encounter by an asteroid," Yeomans said in an e-mail Wednesday.

Without mentioning NASA's conclusions, Perminov said that he heard from a scientist that Apophis is getting closer and may hit the planet. "I don't remember exactly, but it seems to me it could hit the Earth by 2032," Perminov said.

"People's lives are at stake. We should pay several hundred million dollars and build a system that would allow us to prevent a collision, rather than sit and wait for it to happen and kill hundreds of thousands of people," Perminov said.

Scientists have long theorized about asteroid deflection strategies. Some have proposed sending a probe to circle around a dangerous asteroid to gradually change its trajectory. Others suggested sending a spacecraft to collide with the asteroid and alter its momentum, or hitting it with nuclear weapons.

Perminov wouldn't disclose any details of the project, saying they still need to be worked out. But he said the mission wouldn't require any nuclear explosions.

Hollywood action films "Deep Impact" and "Armageddon," have featured space missions scrambling to avoid catastrophic collisions. In both movies, space crews use nuclear bombs in an attempt to prevent collisions.

"Calculations show that it's possible to create a special purpose spacecraft within the time we have, which would help avoid the collision," Perminov said. "The threat of collision can be averted."

Boris Shustov, the director of the Institute of Astronomy under the Russian Academy of Sciences, hailed Perminov's statement as a signal that officials had come to recognize the danger posed by asteroids.

"Apophis is just a symbolic example, there are many other dangerous objects we know little about," he said, according to RIA Novosti news agency.

Numri i postimeve : 6458
PIKE : 10002
Popullariteti Popullariteti : 141
Data e regjistrimit : 11/06/2010

Mbrapsht në krye Shko poshtë

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